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5 Things About Coffee and Starbucks People Who Don't Drink

Dislike Coffee

I'm surprised people who dislike coffee also dislike Starbucks's coffee mixes, mostly because those are super-sweet and sugary. I mean, it's less of a coffee and more of a hot chocolate/chocolate or vanilla flavored-coolant with an extra caffeine shot and syrup and hot milk. Super-expensive though.

It does kind of seem snobby to think of it like that though. I don't like coffee but I do like Starbucks, and I like the smell of brewing coffee a lot. It smells really nice, but it tastes like ash and hot.

Starbucks coffees/espresso/flaps are awful and taste like chemicals. I know Americans worship Starbucks but they are so missing out on delicious real coffee.

  • Enjoy coffee more when not sat opposite some unbeliever in its unearthly powers to stop me destroying the planet.
  • Most wars actually begin because of a lack of coffee in the morning.
  • I drink coffee, but at most 3x per week, so I don't consider myself an avid coffee drinker. I kind of want to become one, but I don't want the caffeine addiction.
  • I've had three cups of reg, and a lattee. I'm a little jittery but that's only because food is a foreign concept in our house.
  • After many years, I can now enjoy coffee. I need a lot of chocolate in coffee to make it drinkable. Since I rarely drink caffeine, when I have a mocha, I am off the freakin wall.
When people say they like coffee they mean they like a big cup of cream and sugar with a little bit of coffee in it. You think that's bad, try working at a Starbucks while being someone who doesn't drink coffee. 

It started out as just simply disliking coffee to it reaching the point where it's just a lot of fun to see people's astonishment when I say that I start work at 6am and no, I don't drink coffee. At this point, the satisfaction of being able to function as well as I do is more what keeps me from drinking coffee now than anything. 

That being said, I'm always down for an Iced Cappuccino or a Frappuccino when I get a sugar craving!


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